If you are interested in a research internship around Network Science, check The projects I propose.


On my personal and professional page.

I'm associate professor (tenured, Maître de conférences) at Univ. Lyon 1, Lyon, France, since 2017.
I'm a member of the Data Mining and Machine Learning (DM2L) team, in the LIRIS lab (CNRS,UCBL).

I'm a member - and Executive Committee member since 2019 - of IXXI , Lyon's Institute of Complex Systems. I'm also a Steering Committee member of the French Chapter of the Complex System Society

I was previously a Postdoctoral researcher at Sorbonne Université, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon and Japanese National Institute of Informatics.
I got my PhD from Toulouse University, Toulouse, France.

My main topics of interest are (but are not limited to):

  • Complex systems
  • Complex networks
  • Temporal networks
  • Digital-currencies transaction networks
  • Network Embedding
  • Social networks analysis
  • Community detection
  • Online Social Networks
On this page, you can find research related contents, such as links to code, projects I'm involved in, details of my activity, etc.
Students can also find resources related to my teaching activity.

For an always up-to-date publication list, you can refer to my page on Google Scholar


Cazabet Rémy
You can find me at two locations:

Bureau 502.3.22 (3rd floor)
Batiment Blaise Pascal/Ada Lovelace
12 - 14 Rue de la Physique
Campus de la Doua, Lyon

Bureau 12.062 (2d floor)
Batiment Nautibus
23 Avenue Pierre de Coubertin
Campus de la Doua, Lyon


Research: - (gmail.com)
Teaching: - (univ-lyon1.fr)