This is the page of the Complex Networks course at ENS de Lyon., in the
Complex System option
The class covers: 1)Fundamentals of Network Science, e.g., Classic random models, centralities, small-world phenomenon, etc. 2)Focus classes on advances topics, e.g., dynamic networks, graph algorithmic, community detection. Teachers for lectures are Rémy Cazabet and Pierre Borgnat. Practicals are independently teached by Juliana Du.
This class is thought to provide a broad overview of current topics in Network Science. It is grounded in research. The objective of the course is to lead the students to a point where they are able to gain a general understanding of most articles currently published in the field.
Overview of the course
There are 24h of lectures and 8h of practicals. The lectures by me (Rémy Cazabet) are divided in 4 parts of 4h each, composed of 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of experiments. The experiments are taught by Célestin Coquidé. They are conducted in python, using notebooks. The course is given in English, unless all students are French speakers.